"An exploration of the stereotype inconsistent memory advantage" by Colby Justin Stoever

An exploration of the stereotype inconsistent memory advantage

Colby Justin Stoever, University of Texas at El Paso


Stereotype inconsistent information about a person is often recalled and recognized more than stereotype consistent information, an effect referred to in this paper as the stereotype inconsistent memory advantage. Three experiments were conducted to further examine memory for stereotype consistent and inconsistent information. All participants across all experiments studied a list of trait words that were either stereotype consistent or inconsistent of gay men. All experiments used recognition tasks and tested free recall to examine the memory for trait in the test phase of the experiments. Experiment 1 varied the presentation of social category label homosexual’ in the study phase to test if the stereotype inconsistent memory advantage was due to an encoding or retrieval process. Experiment 2 tested the effects of manipulation strength on memory of trait words. Experiment 3 tested whether a 48 hour time delay between study and test phases would affect the memory of trait words. Across all experiments, there was no indication of a stereotype inconsistent memory advantage. However, interesting differences in total recall due to manipulation strength and a 48 hour retention interval were found.

Subject Area

Social psychology|Cognitive psychology

Recommended Citation

Stoever, Colby Justin, "An exploration of the stereotype inconsistent memory advantage" (2007). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI3284665.
