
Cristóbal Borges


Bracero Oral History

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee

Alberto Vásquez Rojas was born in Pénjamo, Guanajuato; His parents were farmers; Vásquez worked in the field and took care of animals since he was a child; He attended school for two years; Mr. Vásquez worked as a bracero picking beets, pears and oranges in Riverside and Court-land.

Summary of Interview

Mr. Vásquez started working in the fields at a very young age. Vásquez found out about the bracero program and traveled to Empalme, Sonora to get hired. The next stop of the journey was Calexico Mexicali. Finally, Vásquez started work picking beets and oranges in Riverside, California. In 1957, Vásquez returned to Arizona as a bracero to pick cotton, lettuce, carrots and other vegetables. He received the American residency with the help of the company he worked with, called J. Wood Company. Mr. Vásquez worked thirty-one years with the same company. He received the foreman position and earned a salary of $300 per day. The bracero program was a positive experience because he got a better life for his family and also because he received the American residency.

Date of Interview


Length of Interview

60 minutes

Tape Number

No. 1385

Transcript Number

No. 1385

Length of Transcript

34 pages



Interview Number

No. 1385

Terms of Use



Interview in Spanish.
