Comparing Employment Interviews in Latin American with Other Countries

Julia Levashina
Filip Lievens
Evelilne Schollaert
Wei-Chi Tsai
Michael A. Campion
Richard A. Posthuma, University of Texas at El Paso
Maria Fernanda Wagstaff, University of Texas at El Paso


Job interviews (N = 11,667) in Mexico are compared to other countries: Belgium, Russia, Taiwan, and U.S. Hypotheses based on a meta-cultural framework were generally supported. Mexico and Taiwan were less likely to have women conduct interviews. Applicants outside the U.S. were more likely to be asked about their family, marital status, and children. Applicants in Russia and Taiwan were more likely to be asked their reasons for quitting their last job. Applicants in Belgium, Russia, and Taiwan were more likely to be asked about their wage and salary expectations. Applicants in Belgium and Russia were less likely to be asked about their values, opinions, and beliefs. This study suggests that in some countries employment interviews are more than a test of job-related knowledge, skills, and abilities. A useful taxonomy for comparing interview questions in Latin American and other countries and directions for future research are provided.