Publication Date



Technical Report: UTEP-CS-16-15a

To appear in Proceedings of the 2016 World Conference on Soft Computing, Berkeley, California, May 22-25, 2016.


In many real-life situations, it is necessary to divide a disputed territory between several interested parties. The usual way to perform this division is by using Nash's bargaining solution, i.e., by finding a partition that maximizes the product of the participants' utilities. However, this solution is based on several idealized assumptions: that we know the exact values of all the utilities, that division is performed on a purely rational basis, with no emotions involved, and that the entire decision is made once. In practice, we only know the utilities with some uncertainty, emotions are often involved, and the solution is often step-by-step. In this paper, we show how to make a solution to a territorial dispute more realistic by taking all this into account.

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