Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Civil Engineering


Ruey L. Cheu


University campuses generate and attract trips with unique characteristics. Most universities are constantly challenged by the parking congestion issues. To manage campus parking infrastructure, most universities have established parking departments. This department is referred as the University Parking Office (UPO) in this Dissertation. There is no methodology or tool to assist the UPOs in their decision-making process. This Dissertation focuses on student parking and has developed models and methodologies as decision support tools to assist UPOs in managing student parking on campuses.

This Dissertation answers six Research Questions related to parking management on university campuses: (1) How many students are expected to buy parking permits in an academic year? (2) What is a reasonable "base" price for an annual student parking permit? (3) How should the parking lots be grouped into different student parking zones and what should be the annual student permit prices for these zones? (4) If the student parking zones and annual student permit prices have been decided, how many students are expected to park in each zone? (5) If the class schedule of the future semester has been fixed but students have not registered for the courses, how to estimate the temporal variation of student parking demand in each zone? (6) How should the performance of a university campus parking system in serving its students be evaluated? To answer each of these questions, new methods or methodologies have been proposed in corresponding Chapters of this Dissertation.

The responses to the first and second Research Questions resulted in a total (student parking permit) demand model and a (student parking permit) base permit price model, both developed using regression analyses based on the data gathered from 208 university campuses. A parking survey was conducted to gather data from 1022 students necessary for the development of models and methodologies to answer to Research Questions three to six. The third Research Question has led to the development of the Zoning and Zone Permit Pricing (Z2P2) model, which incorporates the concept of the value of time. To answer the fourth Research Question, two discrete choice models have been constructed to predict the probabilities of student parking in various zones. A methodology based heavily on the class schedule has been proposed to provide answers to the fifth Research Question which is to estimate the hourly occupancy variations in a parking lot. In response to the last Research Question, the average search time for a parking stall has been selected as the performance measure of a parking lot and Level of Service (LOS) criteria proposed and tested.

All models and methodologies developed in this Dissertation can be implemented by any UPO in the United States.




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File Size

135 pages

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Rights Holder

Okan Gurbuz
